Saturday, November 28, 2009

Russian Train Wreck "an Act of Terror"

A recent derailment of a train in Moscow, Russia has been claimed to have been caused by a terrorist attack. Investigators have claimed to have found "elements of an explosive device" near the site of the crash, although no details have been told as to what the "elements" may in fact be. There was a crater found beneath the track about 1 meter wide which could help to support this idea.

This does sound rather clearly to me to be a terrorist attack, but the only thing of which I'm skeptical is why no details have been released about these so called "elements of an explosive device." Terrorist attacks just seem to be the biggest fear of the world so blaming this on a terrorist attack could in some form be an easy way out, but then again, who am I to tell.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Issue #3: Safe to Eat?

Back in 2006 there was a very publicized outbreak of E. coli from bagged spinach produced in California. People came to belive that the outbreak was caused due to the fact that the FDA had not properly regulated the release of the food and that the problem could have been avoided if the FDA processed more adequately. Some belive that there should be one agency in charge of the safety of American food, that agency could properly set regulations and standards for the release food. Some belive that one organization could threaten businesses, so some fight that the industry can be more able to address issues than one federal organization.

I feel that putting one agency in charge or regulation food distribution in America would be a good idea. This way, there could be dedicated officials of under the contract of the government focussing on the well-being of the food in we eat. If it were left in the hand of the distributors, they may get wishy-washy about the being completely sanitary about their food and they may cut corners if it means that they could make more profit or get their food on the shelves faster. An agency in charge would be a lot safer.

A write with a similiar idea is Byron J. Richards